Saturday, June 09, 2007

Classic Sci-Fi New Author Challenge 3

As a general comment, whoever dreamed up this notion of challenges to focus reading in a desired direction was brilliant. More specifically, my Yahoo reading group Classic Sci-Fi has gifted me with a veritable cornucopia of new and exciting reading.

Here's my progress on the challenge so far. Completed titles are highlighted in red italics:

1. Lest Darkness Fall - L Sprague de Camp
2. The Voyage of the Space Beagle - AE van Vogt
3. A Mirror for Observers - Edgar Pangborn
4. The Best of Stanley G Weinbaum - Stanley Weinbaum
5. Earthman's Burden - Poul Anderson & Gordon Dickson
6. Triplanetary - EE "Doc" Smith
7. Dying Inside - Robert Silverberg
8. Tales of the Dying Earth - Jack Vance
9. Cities in Flight - James Blish

Next up will be "Doc" Smith's "Triplanetary".

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