Thursday, January 04, 2007


Just three months on the Bernstein diet and, frankly, I'm blown away by how successful it's been. I started at 193 pounds, size 37 pants, 16 1/2 neck and a 44 chest in a suit jacket. By the greatest of coincidences, a local charity phoned us this evening and asked if we wanted to leave a load of clothing out for pick-up and, you guessed it, my wardrobe is now officially completely useless! I was thrilled to tell the person who called to "come and get 'em!" A whole collection of men's suits that I couldn't wear to save my soul!

I dropped into the local men's shop to buy the first installment of a new wardrobe. Size 40 jackets, size 32 pants, 15 1/2 neck on the shirts and I'm down to 150 pounds even. Not too bad for a former short fat guy!

The New Year's resolution is to keep the weight off now!


1morechapter said...

Congrats on your weight loss. I'm starting to work on that myself.

Diamond said...

I'm so proud of you! Losing weight is really hard!

Anonymous said...

That's great. I need to follow in your foot steps.

MizB said...

Much congratulations, Paul! I've been struggling with my weight for the last 8 years, and am hoping that -- now that I've discovered Intuitive Eating -- I'll be able to get the 25 lbs off, and keep them off for good! ;o)

<>< Mizbooks

W said...

Hey, congrats on your successful weight loss -- that is awesome! I think it's fab you donated your outgrown clothes to a worthy cause!
